02 Christian Philosophy

INTRODUCTION – Philosophy – Supernaturalism (Faith & Reason)

Philosophy (“love of wisdom”) is the study of fundamental questions about existence, knowledge, values, and mind. Philosophical methods include questioning, critical discussion, rational argument, reason, and logic.

Philosophical questions include: How do we know that we know (epistemology)? What is most real (metaphysics)? The Christian view of metaphysics, ultimate reality, is part of what C. S. Lewis termed “mere Christianity.” There are certain things virtually all Christians believe, and one is that God is the supreme source of all reality.

Some people assume that the Christian worldview cannot possibly have a philosophy of its own, since it requires faith in biblical revelation. They ask; how can Christians, who must postulate existence or reality outside the material realm, ever hope to prove their beliefs true, reasonable, and rational? They charge that Christian philosophy is unscientific.

Quite the contrary, Christian philosophy approaches philosophy with both faith and reason and embraces the supernatural. The Christian explanation for the world of matter or nature is that the supernatural created the natural. Christian philosophy believes that it has the true way, the true pattern for living, and represents a worldview that is consistent with the Bible.

Christians argue that the Christian doctrines of God, creation, Logos, design, purpose, law, order and life are reasonable, and consistent with the findings of science, history, and personal experience in a way that the vain and deceitful philosophies of dialectical materialism and philosophical naturalism will never be.

Truly, Christian philosophy embraces a meaningful, purposeful life, a life in which each one shapes his or her beliefs according to a coherent, reasonable truthful worldview grounded in Biblical absolutes. Non-Christian Philosophy, what the Bible refers to as “vain and deceitful philosophy,” is based upon the “traditions of men, after the basic principles of the world, and not after Christ” (Colossians 2:8).

As the scriptures declare; “We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.” (2 Corinthians 10:5)

A person who holds a Christian philosophical worldview will not be tossed about by every secularist philosophy and ideology. This is a never-ending quest, for, although the Christian’s worldview does not change, the world about him does, thus requiring eternal vigilance.

The single most important philosophical truth in the Bible is that Jesus Christ is the Logos (word, or mind) of God. Christian philosophy says Christ the Logos is the explanation for the universe and everything in it. (Genesis 1:1; John 1:1-4; Colossians 1:17; Revelation 19:13)

In the end, everyone must choose between a materialist/naturalist worldview and a supernatural worldview, and that choice will create repercussions for every aspect of the individuals’ life.


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